This is the first experiment. I'm trying.

This is the second experiment. I'm learning.

This is the third experiment.

This is the fifth experiment

The experiments so far:

  1. make header
  2. make paragraph
  3. embed link
  4. embed images
  5. make lists
  6. embed link in list

This has been the neocities tutorial.


Text formatting should happen via CSS, so I emphasize with em and stronly emphasize with strong.

A new p tag for every new paragraph,
a br for a line break that doesn't start a new paragraph.


There are 6 headings, above is h2, this is h3

This is h4,

this h5,
and this is the last one, h6.

I can put lists in lists!

  1. an ordered list is typically numbered.
  2. I need to remember to close my tags!
  3. an ordered list is ol

I might want to look the link stuff up again later.
Here's the link:


first cell in row one second cell in row one
first cell in second row second cell in the second row

Information about forms